How to be a Dangerous Man

Omar M. Khateeb
2 min readApr 19, 2018


Courtesy of @theSollers on Unsplash

A young man asked me for some ideas on life goals. I shocked him with what I shared and I would like to share that with you:

  1. Be the most reliable person for strength and comfort at your own father’s funeral.

2. Be the man that women wish their men to be.

3. Have the kind of character parents hope for their children to have.

4. Like a large, powerful guard dog, be dangerous yet have it under voluntary control.

5. Have your own mind and home in order and avoid ego driven conquests that get you to poke your nose in other’s lives. Let your work and life burn so brightly that people can’t help but come to you.

Finally, I told him this-

You have to take yourself seriously. You have to recognize that you’re a monster and capable of terrible things.

That like any human being, you’re dangerous.

However, you have a responsibility to understand it, to constrain it, and work for the alleviation of suffering and constraint of malevloance.

If you understand that, it can turn your life into a noble enterprise.

And if you have that, you have self-respect which beats the hell out of self-esteem.

Self conquest is the greatest of victories.



Omar M. Khateeb
Omar M. Khateeb

Written by Omar M. Khateeb

Acquire Knowledge. Take Action. Repeat.

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